I’m Adeka
Glad to see you!

I’m a software developer with background in developing efficient software applications in a global market. More than 1300+ hours of experience, including mentoring 10+ junior developers to achieve concrete goals on a strict deadline. Strong skills include React, Redux, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, Figma, and Animation Libraries!



Having dedicated extensive time to immersive remote development, I've successfully crafted a diverse range of projects, spanning from impactful landing pages to intricate API integrations. My proficiency in JavaScript, Ruby, and Ruby on Rails is underscored by a track record of accomplishments.I've spent the last several months working remotely and asynchronously with people across 3 different time zones (UTC-6, UTC+1, UTC+5) which makes me way special.



  • js.icon Ruby
  • js.icon JavaScript
  • html.icon HTML
  • css.icon CSS


  • Ruby on Rails
  • React
  • Redux
  • Rspec
  • Capybara
  • Bootstrap
  • Sass


  • PostgreSQL
  • SQL
  • Git
  • GitHub
  • Code Reviewer
  • Remote-Pair-Programming
  • Teamwork
  • Mentor
  • Dev Tools

Contact me

If you have an application you are interested in developing, a feature that you need built or a project that needs coding. I’d love to help with it